
Archaeological Assessment

Archaeological Assessments are often required to be included with Development Applications and Integrated Development Applications. The assessment report identifies archaeological issues associated with a site. In urban areas types of archaeological remains might include: early colonial remains, government-related sites, and evidence of nineteenth-century housing and industry. In the rural and semi-rural areas, around the outskirts of Greater Sydney, this may relate to early colonial settlement, convict-related sites, nineteenth-century houses and inns and roadworks.

Excavation Permit Application (s140 and s60)

An Excavation permit requires an assessment of the archaeological potential and significance of a site, identification of appropriate recommendations and a Research Design.

Research Design

A research design is intended to ensure that archaeological investigations focus on genuine research needs. It is an important tool that ensures the preservation of archaeological resources.

Archaeological Excavation

An archaeological excavation consists of the methodologies and techniques used to find, expose and record sub-surface archaeological evidence. A detailed report of the recording of all archaeological programs are written post- excavation, including analysis of the results as well as a response to the research design.

Archaeological Monitoring

Archaeological monitoring is recommended for those areas where the impact of the works is not considered to mean the destruction of significant archaeological fabric. Archaeological monitoring requires a s140 approval from the NSW Heritage Council.

Detail of the Wellington Jug

Archaeological Survey

Archaeological surveys are often undertaken as part of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Review of Environmental Factor (REF), and Development Applications (DA or IDA) for semi-rural properties. They involve historical research, review of aerial photos, maps and plans, site survey, analysis and assessment of heritage significance, identification of opportunities and constraints

Archaeological Zoning Plan

An archaeological zoning plan can be done for a single site, for a Council area or for a suburb. The end result is a graphic representation of areas containing archaeological sites and their likely heritage significance.

Archaeological Management Plan/Strategy

This type of report results in an overview of how to manage the archaeological resource Casey & Lowe potential extensive impacts are involved.

Statement of Heritage Impacts

This review comments on the impact to known archaeological sites or heritage items in light of a proposed development. Need to review heritage significance, how the item will be affected by the proposed development, the impact on the significance of the item by the proposed works and identify ways in which the impact can be mitigated.

Industrial Archaeology

Casey & Lowe work on a limited range of industrial archaeology projects, such as roads, buried industrial sites, dockyards, small scale foundries, brick and pottery works, water-supply related sites, and flour and water mills.

Aboriginal or Indigenous Archaeology

Casey & Lowe specialise in historical or Non-Indigenous Archaeology. While we do not undertake Indigenous archaeological projects we consistently work with a number of archaeologists who specialise in Aboriginal site archaeology. We can project manage this work or provide clients with recommendations for suitable consultants.

Fireplace backflap, showing marks from excavation at Parramatta Square.